Eating Disorder Treatment Online

Eating disorders treatment online is provided by our highly experienced Australian Psychologists and Dietitians from BodyMatters Australasia.  Our team is recognised for our excellence and thought leadership in the treatment of eating, body image and exercise issues. We have been providing eating disorder treatment online for over a decade as a core part of our service, particularly to people in regional and remote areas and to expatriates who are living in regions that do not have access to specialised treatment services.

Accessing our service is easy and simple. The “therapy room” is your computer. It is very similar to face to face treatment and has equivalent positive treatment outcomes. If you are wanting to access online treatment for eating disorders, contact us now to get started.

The need to access high quality treatment for eating disorders is world wide. We are delighted to make our high standard of treatment available to you, wherever you are.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Currently, at BodyMatters, ⅓ of our clients already receive treatment via telehealth due to their rural or remote location. We provide services to clients all over Australia and internationally for eating, weight and body image concerns and as a practice utilise a secure software called Zoom to provide these services. We offer telehealth via zoom which is essentially like Skype.

Yes. You are able to access Medicare rebates with a valid referral letter and Mental Health Care Plan or Eating Disorder Plan. If you have a referral from a GP for a Mental Health Care Plan you will be eligible to receive a rebate of $128.40 (clinical psychologist) and $87.45 (general psychologist) per session.

A Mental Health Care Plan gives you access to Medicare rebates of up to 20 sessions per calendar year. After 6 sessions, you will require a review from your GP in order to access a further 4 sessions under your care plan. This will need to be reviewed after the 10th session and then again after the 16th session.

An Eating Disorder Plan gives you access to 40 psychological sessions and 20 dietetic sessions. After each 10 sessions you will require a review from the GP in order to access a further 10 sessions until 40 sessions have been reached. You are able to see if you are eligible for an Eating Disorder Plan through your GP.

Both plans will be lodged by your GP and we will require a copy of both the care plan and a referral letter stating that this has been processed. The rebates remain the same on both care plans, however, rebates may differ slightly depending on whether you see a clinical psychologist or one of our registered psychologists.

Yes. You may also be able to access health fund rebates if you are covered under private health insurance – the rebates depend on your level of cover/policy, and so we suggest that you check this with your insurer.

At BodyMatters, our therapists take a very individual approach that is fully customised based on your symptoms, severity, history of illness and treatment attempts. Our number one priority is to determine and deliver an approach that works for you and an ‘evident based’ approach. The first initial session will be mostly to gather information such as a history of your symptoms and other background information and serve as an assessment to determine best practice treatment for you. Subsequent sessions will facilitate the delivery of that. 

Our goal is to make treatment accessible to everyone. However occasionally we may not be able to proceed, such as if we determine that another service may be more appropriate. Usually in these instances we would endeavour to make alternative recommendations so that appropriate treatment can be accessed. Please contact us (here) to discuss your unique circumstances and whether we can help you.

BodyMatters are not a bulk billing practice. However, we are able to process Medicare rebates with a valid referral letter and care plan.

Alternatively, you may also be able to access health fund rebates if you are covered under private health insurance. The rebates for this depends on your cover/policy and so we suggest that you check this with your insurer.